Child Details

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Parent Details

Terms and Conditions:

1) Fees is non-refundable.

2) Fees can be transferred to few courses only (at the discretion of the management).
3) For phonetics, Hindi Reading and Handwriting, since we alot slots to children, and in 1 slot there are 4-5 children, Kindly update by 12:30pm in case you can't send your child or want any change in the schedule. No cancelations or changes will be accepted after that.
4) If your child's class is scheduled and she/he doesn't turn up and there is no information, that child will be marked present. Also, if this happens more than 3 times, the child's class will not be scheduled further.
5) Though the fees is session wise, but Fees will be valid for 7 months only, from the date of admission. After that, the fees cannot me adjusted in any course.
6) We value your time and efforts that you make for your child, and expect you to value our time and efforts by bringing the child on time. Punctuality is very important.
7) In case of some unavoidable situation, where the child is unable to attend the class, please inform asap.